BY LAUREN CALCUTT HIGHGATE GREENS — The weeks before Labor Day seemed the same for two thirds of my life. I barely finished a summer
BY JOHN-HENRY DOUCETTE NORFOLK — Firefighters from Virginia Beach and Chesapeake took the field at Harbor Park on Saturday, Aug. 27, for the first Battle
BY JOHN-HENRY DOUCETTE PUNGO — Sometimes, even among friends, it seems like English-speaking folk aren’t speaking the same language. Don’t worry. This isn’t about politics,
BY JOHN-HENRY DOUCETTE PUNGO — I am writing about a mural in Back Bay that I decided not to write about some months ago. It’s the
BY JOHN-HENRY DOUCETTE COURTHOUSE — The family of Doris V. Baxter, an 88-year-old woman who in March died following an automobile accident with an emergency
THE INDEPENDENT NEWS COURTHOUSE – Emergency Medical Services Chief Ed Brazle said the city has had success this year in an effort to
THE INDEPENDENT NEWS BACK BAY — Members of Veterans of Foreign Wars Back Bay Post 1211 had some help from young people during the group’s
THE INDEPENDENT NEWS CREEDS — Students returning to Creeds Elementary School found that the stairs have a new look and, perhaps, that their opportunities to
BY LAUREN CALCUTT HIGHGATE GREENS — I live off of the stretch of Princess Anne Road between Nimmo United Methodist Church and Seaboard Road. Before Nimmo Parkway
THE INDEPENDENT NEWS COURTHOUSE — The former Captain George’s and marina site in southern Virginia Beach is scheduled to open to the public as the 20-acre