2024 Virginia Beach Voter Guide: School Board District 4 [Special Election]


Ed. — The following are responses to questions posed by The Independent News to candidates in the special election for the District 4 seat on Virginia Beach School Board. Answers to our questions in this series generally are not edited, aside from obvious punctuation issues, spacing and formatting, or for clarity. The Sunday, Sept. 22, voter guide edition is still available on some of our secondary racks until Election Day.

Only voters who live within District 4 vote in this special election.

Virginia Beach Local District 4 [Charles Apple/For The Independent News]


Residence: Legacy Condominiums

Age: 66

Occupation: Retired Educator

Education: Doctor of Education-Educational Leadership and Policy; Master of Education-Guidance & Counseling; Bachelor of Arts-English

Endorsements: Virginia Beach Democratic Commitee, Virginia Beach Education Association-PACE and Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate

Website: agreen4schoolboard.org

Phone: (757) 563-4704

Email: agreen4schoolboard@gmail.com

Social Media: Alveta Green 4 Virginia Beach School Board on Facebook

What are your specific qualifications for this office? I retired with 39 years of service in public education in June 2022 from Virginia Beach City Public Schools where I spent 17 years. I have worked as a specialist for the Virginia Department of Education and as a teacher, school counselor, and central office administrator in other school divisions in the Commonwealth of Virginia. I also have worked as a public school teacher in Texas and for the Department of Defense Dependent Schools (DoDDS) in Germany.  My experiences includes program and policy development, management of large budgets, responding to the needs of multiple stakeholders including students, parents, and community; resolving issues impacting students, parents, and the community at-large, leading large scale instructional support programs for students and staff at the state and local levels

What is the most important issue facing the city schools, and how will you address it in office? One of the most critical issues is equitable distribution of resources so all students have equal access to academic programs and teachers have equal planning time in all schools. The division’s budget must reflect expenditures that promote the academic and career development of all students. Staffing allocations and structure of the bell/class schedule with equal planning time for all teachers throughout the division also must be equitable. I will ensure there is full transparency with expenditures so every student will have equal access to the same academic opportunities and resources as well as teachers the same allotted time for preparation.

What are your three main policy priorities for Virginia Beach schools? My three policy priorities are:

  • Ending the book ban which restricts the intellectual freedom of all students. Each parent must have input for his/her student’s intellectual freedoms. The elimination of book bans guarantees materials that reflect the diversity and interest of all students and promotes the intellectual rights of every Virginia Beach student to seek and receive information. 
  • Implementing more equitable discipline practices for school disciplines such as restorative practices. Policies on restorative practices instead of punitive measures will focus on repairing harm and restoring relationships and support students who are struggling, reducing disproportionate disciplinary actions.
  • Increase mental health support for all students including LGBQT students so they will feel safe and supported in school. The school division is embarking on a new strategic planning cycle, so the timing is good for updating the division’s mission statement and School Board policies that will affirm the mental well-being of all students’ and the right to be free from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. As a school board member, I can ensure policies are developed in collaboration with students, families, and community that use welcoming and inclusive language in the school divisions’ mission statement.

How can the city schools address concerns about equality and inclusion? Equality and inclusion can be addressed through policies that ensure successful outcomes for all students by removing the predictability of success or failures that come with any social or cultural factor, such as low-income, minority, homeless, frequent moves, students with disabilities identified under IDEA, and non-English speaking students to name a few factors that may impact equitable opportunities for all students.  There should be ongoing reviews of cultural competency policies that will train school staff to understand and appreciate cultural differences.

Targeted professional development around diversity and inclusion for all staff will promote a more inclusive and supportive school environment that is free from discrimination.

Is the district doing enough to address school security and discipline? All students should feel they are welcome and realize their potential free of threat and intimidation. The use of school resources officers, security assistants in each school, locked doors, cameras, and procedures for lockdowns when there is an eminent threat or danger are already in place. School security and discipline require ongoing review of current practices to identify where improvements are needed in these areas to ensure safe schools. My role as a school board member will be to ensure the development or updating of policies that will continue to provide for a safe school environment free of any threat and disruption.

How will you help the School Board prioritize the significant challenge of teacher retention and recruitment? Teacher compensation is the pressing issue that impacts student achievement and learning. As a school board member, I will advocate for a competitive pay scale for teacher recruitment and retention. Staff who work in Virginia Beach should have the option of living in the same city where they are employed. This will require my advocacy to increase pay for teachers and staff that will reflect the reality of the current economy. Part of the compensation plan will require lower health costs for VBCPS employees. One strategy for reducing health care costs may include exploring the feasibility of division pharmacies.

Do you support collective bargaining? I support collective bargaining because it provides an opportunity to ensure a fair and competitive rate of pay and benefits for employees. Collective bargaining’s focus is not only on pay but work conditions and morale of employees. I view collective bargaining for teachers as an opportunity to bring equity across the school division for staff in all work locations by ensuring the same work day, responsibilities based on position,  planning time, duty free lunch or planning period, extended bereavement  or family leave to identify some possible outcomes of collective bargaining for teachers and staff

Arguably, the School Board has been more effected by district voting than the City Council, which has faced challenges in court this year. Do you support the 10-district voting system? Why? I support the 10-district voting system because it is important for constituents to have representation by someone who lives in and understands the needs of the community and day-to-day workings of life in the district. The politicization of public education is polarizing and makes it imperative to have a district voting system with optimism that the elected official will advocate for the community and collaborate with constituents. My vote on any issue will always be based on a review of data sources and input from stakeholders to determine what is in the best interest of students in District 4.


Residence: Wesleyan Chase

Age: 55

Occupation: Retired Educator

Education: Bachelors in Elementary Education – Old Dominion University 1991; Masters of Educational Administration – Old Dominion University 2000

Endorsement: Moms Demand Action – Gun Sense Candidate 2024

Website: anissaforschoolboard.com

Phone: (757) 304-0416

Email: anissabowdenfordistrict4@gmail.com

Social Media: anissaforschoolboard on Facebook

What are your specific qualifications for this office? My decision to run for school board is deeply connected to two things: being a retired educator with 30 years of experience and a mom who cares deeply about the well-being of not only my child, but all students attending our schools. Parents bring valuable insights and firsthand experiences to the table, which can lead to more effective and empathetic decision-making. 

My unique perspective on the challenges faced by students can be a powerful asset in addressing their needs and improving the educational environment.

What is the most important issue facing the city schools, and how will you address it in office? I believe the most pressing issue facing Virginia Beach City Schools is that of intolerance which can show up as not respecting the differences of others due to racial, gender, or sexual preference. Many in our community were shocked to learn that one of our high school baseball teams had its season suspended due to the alleged racial harassment of an African American teammate by his fellow teammates. The rest of us in the Black community were not surprised as we live this reality each day; unfortunately, most incidents go unreported and unknown by school administration. 

As the next school board member, I commit to working tirelessly to address bullying and harassment in our schools by supporting Social Emotional Learning lessons, expanding counseling services and creating spacing and experiences where students feel included and supported. Provide teachers with professional development on recognizing, addressing, fostering inclusivity, and supporting students’ individuality.

What are your three main policy priorities for Virginia Beach schools?

  • Literacy: The Virginia Department of Education has made literacy a focus with the implementation of the Virginia Literacy Act for the 2024-2025 school year. As a retired English teacher, reading is a joy that I have, and I want to share it with everyone one of every age. During the summer, the learning loss is between 15-20%. Reading during the summer will lessen the loss. Picking up a book, a newspaper, or a magazine can really help kids learn. 
  • Teach Advocacy: Supporting teachers means providing them with the necessary resources and adequate planning time. Ensuring they have the support they need helps improve the quality of education and overall classroom experience. Part of this could be changing our calendar. 
  • Retaining & Recruiting Teachers/Teacher Pay: Increasing teacher pay to be more competitive with the national average is crucial for attracting and retaining talented educators. Virginia Beach’s current position at the bottom of the pay scale is concerning. By addressing this issue, we can better support our teachers and ensure they are fairly compensated for their important work. Under my leadership, we will prioritize teacher salaries to reflect their value and dedication.

How can the city schools address concerns about equality and inclusion? Virginia Beach will benefit from a leader who exemplifies a commitment to providing a top tier public education, competitive salaries, and the necessary resources for teachers to excel in their roles; such a leader will uphold the principles established by Brown vs. Board of Education, ensuring equitable opportunities for all students and staff. I believe we should honor the differences that each person brings to our schools, and we should hire a diverse staff that reflects our unique population to accomplish our goals. Holding teacher job fairs at surrounding colleges, universities, and HBCUs would be a step in the right direction.

Is the district doing enough to address school security and discipline? No, it is crucial that schools take a strong stance against bullying and harassment, particularly when it involves racial slurs. Virginia Beach will start an anti-harassment system during sporting activities called EPIC, but more effective disciplinary measures should be enforced to address such behavior and support victims. Our schools must create a safe environment where students feel empowered to report bullying and are confident that their concerns will be taken seriously. Implementing comprehensive anti-bullying student and staff policies and providing resources for both students and staff can help  protect vulnerable individuals and foster a more inclusive and respectful school community.  

How will you help the School Board prioritize the significant challenge of teacher retention and recruitment? I have addressed this in my previous answer.  Increasing teacher pay to be more competitive with the national average is crucial for attracting and retaining talented educators. Virginia Beach’s current position at the bottom of the pay scale is concerning. By addressing this issue, we can better support our teachers and ensure they are fairly compensated for their important work. Under my leadership, we will prioritize teacher salaries to reflect their value and dedication.

Do you support collective bargaining? Yes, I support collective bargaining. Supporting collective bargaining reflects my commitment to fair labor practices and worker satisfaction. During my entire career as an educator, I was a member of the teacher’s union and a representative who fought for the rights of other teachers as a building representative. Unions play an important role in negotiating contracts that can improve working conditions, wages, and benefits, contributing greater job satisfaction and security. Having been raised in a union household, I am a VEA-retiree member, too. It’s in my blood. I appreciate how collective bargaining can lead to more equitable and positive outcomes for workers. 

Arguably, the School Board has been more effected by district voting than the City Council, which has faced challenges in court this year. Do you support the 10-district voting system? Why? I support the 10-district voting system as it seems to emphasize a specialized representation for voters, which is beneficial in addressing community concerns. By assigning specific representatives to different areas, it can make it easier for constituents to communicate their concerns and for candidates to focus on targeted solutions. This system could potentially increase accountability and efficiency in addressing local challenges.


Residence: Euclid Terrace

Age: 45

Occupation: International Development

Education: Master of Business Administration (MBA) and a Bachelor of Arts Government Pre-Law

Endorsements: Virginia Secretary of Commerce and Trade Caren Merrick and Virginia Beach Mayor Bobby Dyer

Website: shannonkendrickvb.com

Phone: (757) 266-7716

Email: contact@shannonkendrickvb.com

Social Media: Shannon Kendrick for Virginia Beach School Board District 4 on Facebook

What are your specific qualifications for this office? As a committed public servant, I am currently a member of the School Board for VBCPS. I am the vice chair of the Virginia African American Advisory Board. Previously, I worked as a college business professor and senior executive college administrator.

With an MBA and a background in business, I have a solid understanding of numbers, revenues, expenses, and how to address our division’s unique fiscal needs. I specialize in government and community relations and have six years of experience as a congressional district director for our region. I founded the Hampton Roads Black Caucus. I was a senior vice president of the Hampton Roads Economic Development Alliance, allowing me to gain firsthand knowledge of our region’s workforce assets and future career opportunities for our students. I bring expertise that contributes to our school board’s present and future work, ensuring that we provide effective solutions for the division and the families we serve.

What is the most important issue facing the city schools, and how will you address it in office? Reading Recovery: 30% of our student population in grades 3-9 are not reading on grade level. I serve on the Board of Directors for the Life Enrichment Center, a statewide nonprofit dedicated to enhancing the reading levels of K-3 children. I have firsthand experience with the long-term effects and risk implications of this issue. I am working to ensure that students receive evidence-based instruction and intervention, as outlined in an individualized student reading plan for those who don’t meet literacy benchmarks. Additionally, I aim to have enough reading specialists to support intervention needs and provide professional development to support teachers, reading specialists, and principals.

What are your three main policy priorities for Virginia Beach schools?

  • Workforce Readiness: With my experience in economic development, I’ll work to create early career opportunities for graduates in good-paying trades as well as college preparation. 
  • Teacher Retention: Teachers don’t teach for the money; they teach to prepare our students for bright futures. It’s essential to make our district more rewarding by reducing admin work, encouraging creativity in the classroom, improving professional development opportunities and offering competitive salaries. 
  • Academic Excellence: I am unwavering in my commitment to ensuring school resources are distributed equally, enhancing the learning experience of ALL students, and I pledge to sensibly replace outdated school buildings with the modern facilities our children deserve, all within budget and on schedule. 

How can the city schools address concerns about equality and inclusion? I strongly believe that no child should ever feel excluded or marginalized. It is crucial that every child receives the same level of respect, inclusion, and access to educational opportunities. As school board members, we must ensure our children are able to acquire the necessary skills, recognize their unique talents and abilities, and have the support they need to embark on a journey towards success and a fulfilling career in their adult lives.

Is the district doing enough to address school security and discipline? Every child has the fundamental right to thrive in a safe and nurturing atmosphere. School security is a work in progress, and VBCPS is continually working to ensure we keep up with the latest protocols. We have a Blue Ribbon Panel on School Safety and Security to analyze what needs to change in our division’s security procedures.  Adhering to rules and guidelines is essential for fostering a safe and positive learning environment for our children. I am dedicated to finding effective methods to reduce detentions, suspensions, and bullying in our schools around the fundamental principles of relationship, respect, responsibility, repair, and reintegration. 

How will you help the School Board prioritize the significant challenge of teacher retention and recruitment? The cost of living in Virginia Beach is the highest in our region. However, VBCPS ranks second-lowest in starting teacher salaries within the region, making it an unfavorable location for educators. VBCPS’s revenue relies on decisions made at higher levels of government. 

Drawing on my legislative experience and role as the legislative chair on the school board, I will advocate for VBCPS’s strategic objectives to improve the overall experience for teachers and staff. I am working with our administration and fellow board members to identify where we can find funding to increase these salaries.

Do you support collective bargaining? No.

Arguably, the School Board has been more affected by district voting than the City Council, which has faced challenges in court this year. Do you support the 10-district voting system? Why? I like the 10-district voting system because it allows different parts of our city to receive more focused attention. This means that areas with specific needs, resources, and areas for improvement that may have been missed or neglected in the past can now receive the attention they deserve. 

I appreciate that I can understand the unique needs of all areas of Virginia Beach through the perspectives and service of my fellow board members. In return, they can better understand the specific needs and issues in District 4 that they might not have known about otherwise. Government closest to the people governs best.

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