2024 Virginia Beach Voter Guide: City Council District 7


Ed. — The following are responses to questions posed by The Independent News to candidates for the District 7 seat on Virginia Beach City Council. Answers to our questions in this series generally are not edited, aside from obvious punctuation issues, spacing and formatting, or for clarity. The Sunday, Sept. 22, voter guide edition is still available on some of our secondary racks until Election Day.

Only voters who live within District 7 vote in this election.

Virginia Beach Voting District 7 [Charles Apple/The Princess Anne Independent News]


Residence: Glenwood

Age: 51

Occupation: Sales Consultant

Education: Pastoral Certification

Endorsements: Republican Party of Virginia Beach, Libertarian Party, Thin Blue Line Virginia

Website: cashforvirginiabeach.com

Phone: (757) 386-1083

Email: district7@cashforvirginiabeach.com

Social Media: cashjacksongreen on Instagram and Cash Green for City Council on Facebook

What are your specific qualifications for this office? As a City Council candidate, I bring over 20 years of leadership experience and a deep commitment to public service. My background in public speaking, history, and civics equips me to address complex community issues effectively. Known for my critical thinking and team-building skills, I have a proven track record in leadership.

I am dedicated to public safety and community well-being. I actively participate in meetings with the Virginia Beach Development Authority (VBDA), The HIVE (small business), and the Citizens Advisory Committee. I am also self-motivated, regularly taking online courses in FEMA, Government, Economics, and Socio-Economic Personal Development. My priorities include fostering community engagement, advancing public safety, and driving progress in our city to ensure a thriving, inclusive community for all.

What is the most important issue facing the city and how will you address it in office? The most pressing issue is the lack of essential community infrastructure such as libraries and recreation centers. To address this, I will work towards securing funding and prioritizing projects that build and enhance these facilities. By collaborating with stakeholders and community members, I aim to create accessible, inclusive spaces that foster community engagement and support educational and recreational opportunities for all residents.

What are your three main policy priorities?

  • Securing Vital Amenities for District 7: Advocate for the construction of a recreation center, library, and substation to meet the long-overdue needs of our community.
  • Improving Infrastructure: Implement a comprehensive program to upgrade roads, parks, and schools, ensuring District 7 receives equitable resources and attention in city planning.
  • Collaborative Governance: Establish a District 7 Advisory Committee to ensure resident input is central to decision-making and to effectively represent our community’s needs in City Council.
  • Boost Economic Development and Lower Tax Burdens: Residents face rising costs, and we need to attract businesses that offer better jobs. By lowering tax burdens and fostering a business-friendly environment, we can create a thriving economy. Education is key to this, ensuring our workforce is ready for the jobs of tomorrow.

Should city services such as water and sewer be extended south of Indian River Road to promote development of rural communities? Our priority should be addressing the pressing needs of our more vulnerable communities in the northern parts of Virginia Beach.

Investing in infrastructure where it’s most needed — such as improving services, housing, and support for our underserved populations — should come first. Focusing on these critical areas will help ensure that all residents, especially those in our most vulnerable communities, have access to the essential services and support they need.

Do you support the agricultural reserve program, or ARP? Should its dedicated funding be maintained at a consistent level? Yes, I support the Agricultural Reserve Program and believe its funding should be consistent to ensure the preservation of our agricultural lands and support local farmers. This helps maintain our community’s rural heritage and contributes to sustainable food systems.

Do you support maintaining the Green Line or should the city loosen constraints to allow more development? I support maintaining the Green Line. The Green Line serves as a crucial boundary that helps protect our agricultural lands and natural resources, ensuring that Virginia Beach remains a balanced community where growth is managed responsibly. Loosening constraints for development beyond the Green Line could jeopardize the rural character of our southern areas and strain our infrastructure.

The new local voting system has seen challenges in court. Do you support maintaining the 10-district system? Yes, I support maintaining the 10-district system as it ensures more localized representation and accountability. It allows for a more equitable distribution of voices and ensures that diverse community interests are represented in decision-making processes.

Do you support collective bargaining? In 2020, the Virginia General Assembly amended the state code to allow local governments to engage in collective bargaining. In response, we established a Collective Bargaining Task Force to study its feasibility in our city, focusing on whether we can financially support it without compromising other commitments. A key concern is that our city employees are no longer ranked number one in Hampton Roads. As we explore collective bargaining, we must ensure it helps attract and retain top talent while being mindful of taxpayers’ financial burdens. 

My goal is to make informed decisions based on thorough analysis. I’m meeting with city employees and department heads to conduct a statistical study on the impact of collective bargaining. If the findings show it benefits our employees and community without placing an undue burden on taxpayers, I will carefully evaluate it. My priority is to ensure any decision made is in the best interest of both our employees and the broader community.

Please give one idea you would implement to provide more affordable housing in Virginia Beach? I propose creating a program to incentivize developers to include affordable housing units in new projects. By offering tax breaks or grants, we can encourage the construction of affordable housing, helping to address the growing demand and ensuring diverse housing options for all residents.


Residence: Level Green/College Park

Age: 29

Occupation: Legislative Aid

Education: Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Virginia State University and a master’s degree in Government with a concentration in Law and Policy from Regent University

Endorsements: Virginia Beach Democratic Committee, City Councilmember Sabrina Wooten and Virginia Beach Professional Fire & EMS

Website: scottforsuccess.com

Phone: (202) 855-0856

Email: mabintyscottforsuccess@gmail.com

Social Facebook: Mabinty Scott for Virginia Beach City Council District 7 on Facebook and Mabinty_Scott on Instagram

What are your specific qualifications for this office? I am well-qualified for this office with a strong academic and professional background. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Virginia State University and a Master’s degree in Government with a concentration in Law and Policy from Regent University. My nearly four years of experience as a Legislative Aide have provided me with direct knowledge of local government operations, policy development, and community needs. I have worked on city initiatives, coordinated school tours, and engaged with key stakeholders to drive positive change. This combination of education and hands-on experience makes me well-equipped to effectively serve District 7 on the Virginia Beach City Council.

What is the most important issue facing the city and how will you address it in office? The most important issue facing Virginia Beach is ensuring economic growth while maintaining affordability for residents. Rising costs of living, housing, and economic disparities are major concerns. As a council member, I will advocate for policies that promote sustainable development, support small businesses, and create more affordable housing options. I will work to attract diverse industries to provide quality jobs and invest in workforce development programs. By fostering partnerships between the city, businesses, and community organizations, we can create an inclusive economy that benefits all residents, ensuring long-term prosperity for Virginia Beach.

What are your three main policy priorities? My three main policy priorities are economic development, affordable housing and collective bargaining rights. 

  • First, I will focus on boosting economic growth by supporting local businesses, attracting diverse industries, and creating well-paying jobs. By promoting entrepreneurship and workforce development, we can strengthen Virginia Beach’s economy and create more opportunities for residents. 
  • Second, I will work to expand affordable housing options. Rising housing costs are a significant concern, and I will advocate for policies that make homeownership and renting more accessible, ensuring residents of all income levels can thrive in our city.
  • Third, I will prioritize supporting collective bargaining rights for city employees. Workers deserve a voice in decisions affecting their wages, benefits, and working conditions. I will champion policies that protect these rights, promote fair negotiations, and create a stronger workforce to better serve the city. These priorities will ensure a more prosperous, affordable, and equitable Virginia Beach for all.

Should city services such as water and sewer be extended south of Indian River Road to promote development of rural communities? City services like water and sewer should be extended south of Indian River Road only if done responsibly, balancing development with the preservation of rural communities. Expanding services can promote growth, but it’s essential to ensure that rural character, environmental sustainability, and long-term infrastructure planning are carefully considered.

Do you support the agricultural reserve program, or ARP? Should its dedicated funding be maintained at a consistent level? I support the Agricultural Reserve Program (ARP) as it helps preserve farmland and manage growth. However, funding should be reviewed regularly to ensure it meets current needs and balances preservation with other priorities. Consistent funding is important, but flexibility is needed to adapt to changing circumstances and challenges.

Do you support maintaining the Green Line or should the city loosen constraints to allow more development? I support maintaining the Green Line to preserve our city’s natural and rural areas, which is essential for environmental conservation and quality of life. However, I also recognize the need for some flexibility to accommodate responsible development that meets the growing needs of our community. Striking a balance is crucial. We should explore opportunities for development in a way that respects and integrates with existing green spaces, ensuring sustainable growth without compromising our environmental and rural resources. By adopting a measured approach, we can foster development while still protecting the characteristics that make Virginia Beach unique.

The new local voting system has seen challenges in court. Do you support maintaining the 10-district system?  The 10-1 district voting system ensures that each district in Virginia Beach has direct representation, allowing residents to elect someone who understands their unique community needs. While the system has faced legal challenges, I support maintaining it as it promotes equitable representation across diverse areas. We should focus on keeping elections transparent, fair, and representative of all communities within Virginia Beach.

Do you support collective bargaining? Yes, I support collective bargaining as a fundamental right for workers. It provides employees with a voice in negotiations over wages, benefits, and working conditions, which can lead to fairer and more equitable workplaces. Collective bargaining helps ensure that workers’ concerns are addressed and that they have a seat at the table in decision-making processes that affect their livelihoods. By supporting collective bargaining, we promote a more balanced and respectful relationship between employers and employees, contributing to a healthier and more productive work environment. Ensuring workers’ rights through collective bargaining aligns with principles of fairness and economic justice.

Please give one idea you would implement to provide more affordable housing in Virginia Beach? I would implement a mixed-income housing development program. This initiative would involve partnering with developers to build projects that include both market-rate and affordable units. By incentivizing developers through tax breaks or grants, we can ensure a balanced mix of housing options that caters to various income levels, thus increasing accessibility and affordability for a broader range of residents.

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