2024 Virginia Beach Voter Guide: U.S. House of Representatives, 2nd Virginia District


Ed. — The following are responses to questions posed by The Independent News to candidates in the Virginia 2nd Congressional District race. Answers to our questions in this series generally are not edited, aside from obvious punctuation issues, spacing and formatting, or for clarity. The Sunday, Sept. 22, voter guide edition is still available on some of our secondary racks until Election Day.


Residence: Virginia Beach

Age: 46 

Occupation: Non-Profit Director

Military Service/Education: MS Old Dominion University; BA Villanova University; U.S. Navy veteran

Endorsements: U.S. Rep. Bobby Scott, U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine and VoteVets

Website: missy4congress.com

Phone: (757) 910-7430

Email: marina@missy4congress.com

Social Media: Missy4Congress on Facebook, @missycottersmasal on Instagram and @missycottersmas on X, formerly Twitter

What are your specific qualifications for this office? I’m running for a better future for Coastal Virginia.  I served as a Surface Warfare Officer in the United States Navy and deployed aboard the USS Trenton during OEF. After I finished active duty, I started a small business that I owned and operated for over a decade. In recent years, I’ve taught at Old Dominion University, directed a nonprofit that honors servicewomen, and served as the Virginia Citizen Representative to the Chesapeake Bay Commission. 

Our local economy, schools, and veterans and military families have faced instability and uncertainty because of the chaos and dysfunction in Congress. 

I will always put Coastal Virginians first and stay out of the national partisan politics Jen Kiggans has eagerly embraced.  

What is the most important issue facing the district and how will you address it in office? I’m concerned about the world we’re leaving to the next generation. Extremists in D.C. have focused on trying to strip away basic freedoms like reproductive and voting rights, and delivered only chaos. Kiggans voted with her MAGA allies in Congress for unacceptable cuts to the VA, and empowers their dysfunction which threatens government funding and stifles our local economy. 

When elected, I will put Virginians first. That means working with good faith stakeholders to fight for us. We deserve a leader who rejects extremism, works to restore faith in our system, and delivers results.

What are your three main legislative or policy priorities? We must protect our basic rights and freedoms for bodily autonomy, access to health care, and voting rights. We must also protect military families and veterans’ benefits, something Jen Kiggans failed to do when she voted to cut the Veterans Administration’s budget. 

Additionally, we have to hold corporations accountable for price gouging. Groceries are expensive and too many hard-working families and small business owners are struggling to make ends meet. When elected, I’ll work to help lower costs. 

What is your position on a woman’s right to access safe, legal reproductive healthcare, including abortion access? I am the only pro-choice candidate in this race, and will protect reproductive rights and access to abortion care. No politician should try to control another woman’s body, but Jen Kiggans has tried to force her extremism onto women serving in the military by voting to restrict their abortion access. 

I support Virginia’s current law that protects abortion rights and will fight to restore Roe for everyone. 

Unlike Jen Kiggans, I will stand up to the MAGA extremists in Congress who want to pass a national abortion ban with no exceptions.  

There has been growing attention to the need for medical care and services for veterans. How will you help support the effective delivery of care? Congress must provide dependable funding for the VA, and deliver on our debt to veterans.  We should be expanding resources and appointments, but Jen Kiggans has voted to cut funding, which would cost jobs and appointments, and has even pushed for a lower standard of care compared to civilian standards. Timely mental health appointments and access to additional physical therapy options, including chiropractic coverage, should be addressed.

How have you or will you work across party lines in a time of deep political division in our nation? I learned in the Navy that the mission is paramount, and success depends on putting differences aside. Working across party lines requires stakeholders who put their communities over their own political interests. 

On the Chesapeake Bay Commission, our work is bipartisan, and it has set a tremendous example for me. Extremism in politics is why Jen Kiggans’ “do nothing” Congress has failed to deliver results – they want the fight instead of solutions. Jen Kiggans has proudly sided with extremists like Marjorie Taylor Greene, calling her a “teammate.”

I will have a pragmatic approach. While I may be a Democrat, I will fight for all of Coastal Virginia, not meekly follow party bosses like Jen Kiggans.  


Residence: Virginia Beach

Age: 53

Occupation: Member of Congress

Military Service/Education: 10 years United States Navy Helicopter Pilot; BA, International Relations, Boston University; BSN, Old Dominion University; MSN, Vanderbilt University

Endorsements: Gov. Glenn Youngkin, Lt. Gov.Winsome Earle-Sears and Attorney General Jason Miyares

Website: jenforcongress.com

Phone: (757) 231-5519

Email: info@jenforcongress.com

Social Media: Jen4VA on Facebook and @JenKiggans on Twitter & Instagram

What are your specific qualifications for this office? As a former Navy helicopter pilot, geriatric nurse practitioner, and mother of four, my life has always been about service. Understanding the challenges our military families face coupled with my experience practicing in healthcare uniquely qualifies me to represent our district. I pride myself on putting the mission first and doing what’s right for families and for our country, and I always put the needs of Virginia’s 2nd District above all else in Washington. I work with both sides of the aisle to achieve that, which is why I was named one of the most bipartisan Members of Congress.

I believe that it’s possible to right the ship and secure America’s success, but to do so we need to elect serious leaders who put partisan politics aside and focus on doing the right thing. I work everyday to lead by example and provide Virginians with commonsense, conservative leadership in Washington.

What is the most important issue facing the district and how will you address it in office? The most pressing issue facing the district is the lack of security in our great nation: the lack of financial security, border security, and global security. 

The Biden-Harris Administration has given us an economy that Americans can’t afford, a southern border that’s seen nearly 8 million illegal immigrant encounters since 2021, and a world that grows more dangerous by the day. 

I’ll continue to do what our Republican House Majority has done since day one: pass bills to restore energy independence, secure our borders, keep the federal government out of our lives and restore American strength.

What are your three main legislative or policy priorities? Lowering the cost of living, improving national security, and securing America’s future. 

Americans are tired of partisan rhetoric and empty promises. My priorities are the same as most Americans: affordable gas and groceries, safe communities, and a country that continues to provide future generations with a strong America on the world stage. It’s why I refuse to play Washington’s political games and, instead, focus on passing legislation that positively impacts VA-02 and our nation as a whole.

In the national security space, I sat on the House Armed Services Committee’s bipartisan “Recruitment, Retention, Quality of Life” task force this past year, where – after nine months – we introduced 31 amendments and $5 billion in investments to take care of our servicemembers and their families. Prioritizing quality of life has been the focus of my time on the Committee, and I look forward to continuing to work to improve these issues.

What is your position on a woman’s right to access safe, legal reproductive healthcare, including abortion access? As a woman, mother, and healthcare provider, I believe we should approach this issue with compassion, common sense, and consensus. I believe abortion is an issue that should be debated and legislated at the state level, and that federal tax dollars shouldn’t be used to pay for elective procedures.

As a lawmaker, I also believe that Congress has an important role to play in supporting and improving women’s healthcare, which is why I’ve supported legislation to protect Americans’ access to IVF, help prevent premature births and expand access to birth control and contraception. 

Healthcare should never be a partisan issue.

There has been growing attention to the need for medical care and services for veterans. How will you help support the effective delivery of care? As a veteran and the Chairwoman of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee’s Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee, providing our nation’s heroes with the care and benefits they’ve earned is incredibly important to me. 

I’ve introduced legislation to expand veterans’ access to healthcare and provide support to veterans’ caregivers. My team and I also recently completed a months-long investigation that resulted in the removal and replacement of the top three positions at the Hampton VA Medical Center. 

I’ll continue to provide rigorous oversight and introduce improvements to the VA until every veteran has a quality care system they can rely on.

How have you or will you work across party lines in a time of deep political division in our nation? As a veteran, healthcare provider and mother, working with a diverse team to accomplish a singular goal is nothing new. In fact, I was recently named the 19th most bipartisan Member of Congress out of 435 House Representatives. 

Virginians are sick of the partisanship and negative rhetoric they see from their elected officials. I’ve proudly worked across the aisle to achieve real results in multiple policy areas, including defense and healthcare. Despite the media narratives, I truly believe that my colleagues and I share the common goal of improving the lives of the people we serve.


Residence: Essex County

Age: 78

Occupation: Inventor and retired owner of a construction company

Military Service/Education: U.S. Navy veteran; bachelor’s degree in accounting, associate’s degree in general studies and political science

Phone: (757) 477-4913

What are your specific qualifications for this office? I have been involved in politics for over 60 years from campaigns to all other aspects. My personal friendship with President Trump’s parents, to having spent 5 hours with my cousin and Bobby Kennedy in a duck blind talking gives me a great understanding. In addition, I have met over the years a vast number of people of great talents and knowledge. Among them my former Congressman Lee Zeldin and Lincoln Diaz-Balart.

I can bring both sides to the table.

What is the most important issue facing the district and how will you address it in office?  This is a two-edged sword. This government spends more than it makes causing inflation and debt to run wild. Second is the out of control border crossings.

Inflation means cutting costs, we can do this by:

  • Removing the Dept. of Education. Formed in 1980 this dept has done nothing for Education. Every year since its inception test scores have never risen.
  •  Cut out Homeland Security. Formed in 2001 by President Bush it only duplicates the FBI. We do not need it.
  •  Cut out financing the UN, NATO  as much as we do) and stop sending Dollars to Nations that despise us. 

Remember, I can reach out to a great number on both sides of the Senate and Congress plus the President!

What are your three main legislative or policy priorities?

  • Enforce the border laws
  • No tax on anyone who retires from fire department or police department or U.S. military pensions
  • No tax on Social Security income

What is your position on a woman’s right to access safe, legal reproductive healthcare, including abortion access? I absolutely defend a woman’s right to control her body and life!

The government “Does Not” belong in our homes, on our property and certainly not running our lives in our homes. Freedom of Choice: Partner, Children, Education and Career!

There has been growing attention to the need for medical care and services for veterans. How will you help support the effective delivery of care? As a veteran, I have benefitted from President Trump’s Community Care Program! I think all veterans should have this program of choice doctors!

How have you or will you work across party lines in a time of deep political division in our nation?  I am running as an independent because I can cross lines! I have access to senators in both parties and congressmen and women in both parties!

Where I lived on Long Island — my family has been in Virginia for over 400 years — my friends referred to me as a Republocrat,  a name I cherish. 

Given the opportunity, I will represent all of the district, not one side over the other. I fear people spending millions to run for office are owned by their party or big donors and thus will forget those who elected them!

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