Time and talent are probably the most valuable things you can give to any organization or candidate for public office. For most volunteers who care about government, the return is priceless.
I am the chairperson for the Republican Party of Virginia Beach. This is a volunteer position. My husband and I volunteer for several different organizations in addition to volunteering for our candidates and the party.
Volunteering in the political arena started for me as a high school senior. It was a presidential election year, and I turned eighteen just in time to vote.
My government teacher required us to pick an activity as part of our grade. I do not remember all the choices, but I chose to become a volunteer voter registrar.
That same teacher told us bad things would happen to us if we did not vote. I took her word for it, and I have always voted. Just to be on the safe side, I took it even further.
I continued volunteering as a voter registrar for about five years. I started working for an elected official, so I began volunteering to work polls on Election Day, knock on doors and do literature drops.
I became friends with a city councilperson, who I met at a charity event, and I told him I wanted to learn the “behind the scenes” piece of campaigning. He brought me on his next campaign. I was given the responsibilities of a staffer even though I was a volunteer.
I wanted to learn more about the political world, which lead me to the Republican Party of Virginia Beach. I soon volunteered to chair the precinct organization committee. From there, I threw my hat into the ring for chairperson in 2016.
I believe in our values – free enterprise, equal rights for all, individual responsibility, individual liberty, fiscal responsibility and strong national defense – and I believe in our members, our candidates and our elected officials.
I believe in giving back to my community. It’s a family affair.
As I mentioned, my husband and I volunteer together with the party, as well as other charitable organizations. Our two older grandchildren volunteer with us as well – door knocking for our candidates, helping at political events, cooking and serving meals at Judeo Christian Outreach Center on Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve, parking cars during the Pungo Strawberry Festival and supporting the Special Olympics of Virginia.
I cannot explain why. It is just something we do without question.
We have met great people and made many new friends along the way. Some people have a definite “why” for what they do, and some do not. The energy, compassion, motivation and stories of the people we have met inspires us.
Regarding the Republican Party of Virginia Beach, there are a variety of different activities for volunteers, generally something to suit everyone’s time, talent and abilities. Some of our officials offer internships for high school and college students.
The Republican Party of Virginia Beach and its candidates and elected officials welcome any volunteers who are interested in giving their time or talent.
Mapes is the chairperson of the Republican Party of Virginia Beach. Learn more about becoming involved in the local party by visiting rpvb.org or calling (757) 486-2382. Reach Mapes via chairman@rpvb.org.
© 2018 Pungo Publishing Co., LLC
I do not understand why the Republican Party of Virginia Beach does not endorse local candidates? It makes no sense. What is the party in business for if you don’t endorse candidates? LTC J McCarthy USA R